Jan 8, 2008

Andrew Bird @ Famous Spiegeltent (Second Show, Monday Night)

Second time around can sometimes be even better. If Andrew Bird was great on Sunday night, he was truly sublime on Monday night. Was it the day's extra rest? Maybe it was the fact that the set list contained some extra gems. Enough to make a grown man weep, well almost. His show on Sunday night was heavily filled with songs from "Armchair Apocrypha" (which was wholly welcomed), last night was varied to the extreme. Covers, oldies and a brand new song had the crowd in the palm of his hand. I was surprised "Heretics" and "Cataracts" were both absent on each night. As well as classics like "Fake Palindromes" and "MX Missiles". But what we received was a joy to hear.

Early in the set he played "The Giant of Illinois" (The Handsome Family). This was truly majestic. Touching and tender. Throwing in "Lull" from "Weather Systems" was a stroke of genius. This achingly beautiful song was played with deft touch and great heart. He played a brand new song "Anonanimal" was was stirring and even a touch heavy. I was delighted to hear "Armchairs", an epic song which soared to new heights on stage. Then he finished with "The Happy Birthday Song", by which time I was floating on air. Monday night he arranged his set list to include an encore. Firstly he delivered the traditional blues number "Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning", solo, before having the band back to close with "Masterfade". "You took my hand and led me down to watch a papillon parade. We let the kittens lick our hair and drank our chalky lemonade". Melting moment, indeed. I should have written more about the band last night. Superb and talented musicians, they are. Martin Dosh is a master of the drums, inventive and intuitive, he also played keyboards, inserting himself perfectly into every song. On bass was Jeremy Ylvisaker, who used an array of props to make his guitar sing. Including a butter knife, stunning. He has his own band too, Alpha Consumer. What a great night in the hands of a man who plays with intuition and great heart. Sometimes he stumbles slightly on the odd lyric or chord, but I believe this. It is his imperfections that make him so perfect.

Set List
The Giant of Illinois
Fiery Crash
Opposite Day
A Nervous Tic Motion Of The Head To The Left
The Happy Birthday Song

Keep Your Lamp Trimmed and Burning

I have photos from both nights at my Flickr.


  • At January 11, 2008 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sounds great mate! I'm seeing (and shooting) him and his band tonight and can't wait!

  • At December 16, 2008 , Blogger Unknown said...

    Protecting Your Rights on the Internet
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    Hi ONL,

    On behalf of Fat Possum Records and Andrew Bird, many thanks for plugging "Noble Beast" (street date 27th January) ... .. thanks, also, on behalf of the label and artist for not posting any pirate links to unreleased (studio) material and, if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview tracks, “Oh No” is available for fans and bloggers to link to / post / host etc via Pitchfork - www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/download/146200-premiere-andrew-bird-oh-no-stream ... .. also check-out the artist’s MySpace – www.myspace.com/andrewbird and www.andrewbird.net for details on “Noble Beast” and the artist’s 2008/09 shows … .. you can also view official Andrew Bird videos at www.youtube.com/andrewbirdmusic and, for details of further preview material and pre-release promotions, keep an eye on these official sources.

    Thanks again for your plug.




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