Jun 24, 2007

Ola Podrida / Miracle Fortress

Ola Podrida is the band formed around David Wingo. If you ever managed to see the remarkable film "George Washington" you might know that Mr. Wingo provided the ethereal, touching score. Now comes his band with their debut self titled album. From Austin via Brooklyn the group have produced a moving piece of music full of hushed tones and quiet moments of beauty. This record will not hit you in the face immediately, it is one to savour late at night with the headphones on. It is thoughtful, atmospheric music mining the same field that Iron and Wine does so well. However David Wingo's voice is probably more striking than Sam Beam's. It cracks and wavers in some parts as he croons over acoustic guitar with great effect. This is warm, gentle music that whilst it won't ever startle you, it will give you consistent listening pleasure. Definite highlight song is "Cindy" which builds to a forceful climax. "Pour Me Another" and "Eastbound" are also hauntingly beautiful.
"Ola Podrida is out now on Plug Research and can be purchased at CD Universe.
MP3: Cindy

"Five Roses" is the debut full length album from Miracle Fortress. This band is the brainchild of Montreal multi-instrumentalist Graham Van Pelt, who is also a member of Think About Life. This album is a beautiful concoction of swirling melodies and subtle rhythms. The best description I have heard of the music is "The Beach Boys meets the laptop" which I think is very apt. However, just like Menomena, Miracle Fortress can make music with an electronic background that is very heartfelt. The album also manages to be a nice blend of the uplifting, dance inducing tunes and also the pure, delicious melodies. "Have You Seen In Your Dreams" is a standout with its gorgeous melodies. In fact Graham Van Pelt's almost dreamy vocals are a definite highlight, used to great effect through out. This can be heard on the delicious "Hold Your Secrets to Your Heart". I also like the gentle "Little Trees", the almost anthemic "Poetaster" and the uplifting nature of "Blasphemy". This record is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. And that's always a good thing, isn't it?
It is now available from Secret City Records.
MP3: Hold Your Secrets to Your Heart
MP3: This Thing About You


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